
Place an order via email, USPS or phone. Phone orders call: 406-549-9207, email:

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Choose your method of payment. Please double check your information.

Your information will be kept private. We do not share or sell any information submitted by our clients.

If ordering through the US Postal Service, please print this page, fill it out, include a check or money order for the full amount listed.

MAIL ORDER to: Scherr Images, Inc. 316 Stephens, Missoula, Montana USA 59801

Scherr Images can ISSUE AN INVOICE via a secure Pay Pal account where you can use a charge or debit card of your choice. Just note in instructions below. All orders are custom. Your personalized order will be shipped UPS within three to four weeks of receipt of payment.

Guarentee. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your print return it undamaged within 30 days for a prompt refund.

Print Size .. Reproduction ..Cost

7x10 ............. Digital .......... $25.00
11x17............ Digital .......... $45.00
11x17 ........... Giclee ....... $100.00
11x17 ........... Canvas ........$145.00
16x24 ........... Digital ........ ...$75.00
16x24 ........... Giclee .........$160.00
16x24 ........... Canvas .........$210.00
12x12 sq........ Digital .......... $75.00
12x12sq........ Giclee ..........$100.00
12x12sq..........Canvas........ $125.00
8x24 Pan ..... Giclee ......... $155.00

For additional sizes please email

All images are copyrighted.
Your custom print will be
signed and numbered.

A $12.00 shipping and handling charge for each order will be added to your billing. All packages are shipped via UPS unless otherwise noted at the time
of order placement.

Yes, I would like to own a print(s) from Scherr Images, Inc. Here is my information to place my order.









If you would like to see other images that are not in this gallery set please
call: 406-549-9207 or email

Scherr Images, Inc. has a large stock library of nature landscapes, floral,
Western Heritage and wildlife images
that may solve your Decor needs.

Thank you for your order

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